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Seasonic batch RMA

A step by step guide for using the RMA import function

  1. Download the example Excel file or CSV file
  2. Fill in the required information in the three sections (marked gray in Excel):
  3. Do not change or remove any of the other fields in the file
  4. When filling in the Country field, please use the 2 letter country code, marked red in Column N of the Excel file
  5. When filling the PSU model name:
    • please use the model names found in the example files
    • Column H for Retail, K for Bulk, both marked red in Excel
    • Only these names are recognized by the system
  6. When all the information is filled in correctly, export the file to a CSV file. Choose the CSV UTF-8 file format, or if this is not available:
    • Windows users: when exporting from Excel, use "CSV (comma delimited)"
    • Mac users: when exporting from Excel, use "Windows comma separated (.csv)"